Due to the continued prevalence of COVID-19, UNISON NHS Sussex branch will be conducting its AGM for 2022 in a similar way to which its founder branches did theirs for 2021.
Those of you that attended last year will recall we introduced the idea of aggregated AGMs, which essentially meant that we had more than one AGM covering the same agenda, which we then combined together. We will be taking a similar approach this year, again utilising Microsoft Teams (virtual AGMs). To this end we have set up four meetings over two different days - on Monday 28th March at 10:00 am and 7:30 pm, and on Wednesday 30th March at 8:30am and 12:30pm.
Unfortunately, that means we can't tempt you to attend with the normal scrumptious culinary offerings ..... nor the fabulous selection of informative guest speakers and promotional giveaways. But all is not lost. We will still be offering the jewel in the crown of our free prize draw, which all those attending one or other of the meetings will be entered into, with a chance to win something so amazing that we haven't even decided what it is yet (previous prizes include such things as Apple i-pads and Amazon Echo Shows). And as the turnout to the AGMs is normally in the region of 20-30 people, the odds are high that the winner will be you.
The running order for all four meetings will be brief and to the point. Following the formal business of the AGM (which we hope to keep to a minimum, although the branch secretary does have a tendency to ramble a little) we will focus on giving an update to members on the big issues of the day, with an opportunity for questions to be asked and answered.
Therefore we do hope to see you at one of the meetings, although we do appreciate this may not be possible. Either way, we would be grateful If you could complete the attendance form at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/UNISONNHSSussex-AGM-2022 so we can anticipate numbers or register an apology for absence.
Friday 26th March 2021, 12:30pm via Microsoft Teams
Friday 26th March 2021, 5:30pm via Microsoft Teams
Monday 29th March 2021, 12:30pm via Microsoft Teams
Monday 29th March 2021, 5:30pm via Microsoft Teams
The AGMs are open to all NHS Sussex Branch UNISON members - links to the meetings will be sent by email on completion of registration.
Nominations for Branch Officer and Representative posts
The branch wants to encourage UNISON members to get involved in all aspects of the branch and now is the time for our annual branch elections. We hope that all our members will take part in the process and also consider whether they themselves can take on an active role in the branch. You don't have to commit a lot of time, or be an expert to get more involved - a little time and a lot of enthusiasm are all that's needed; give it a try, you'll be amazed how much you get out of it.
Further details regarding roles that can be taken on can be found at the national website at www.unison.org.uk/about/our-organisation/activists/workplace-roles/ and www.unison.org.uk/about/our-organisation/activists/branch-roles/ .
If you feel able to take on a role put your name forward using the nomination form .
Motions and Amendments to Rule
All UNISON members have the right to submit Motions or Amendments to Rule to the AGM.
A Motion is a formal proposal by a member and it is to ask the Committee to take a certain action. If for example you want to ask the Branch to set up a Young Members Group to ensure that the issues affecting younger workers are properly addressed, then you can raise this as a Motion.
An Amendment to Rule is a formal proposal by a member to amend or add to existing Branch Rules (see documents section below).
If you have an idea for either a Motion or Amendment to Rule and want to discuss it, please contact the Branch Office via email ( office@unisonnhssussex.org ) and someone will be able to help you write it. Alternatively, if you would like to submit a Motion or Amendment to Rule for the Branch to debate at the AGM then please submit it to the Branch Office by 10am on Friday 25th March 2022 using the form here .